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Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution, Second Edition de C.A.J. Appelo,Dieke Postma

Descripción - Críticas 'An extremely handy reference book ...a source of inspiration for the study, simulation and prediction of groundwater quality...' P. Stuyfzand and B van Breukelen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 'Highly informative and comprehensive.  It is detailed, but easy to read.  The authors provide wide ranging examples of environmental case studies and demonstrate their broad knowledge of the field. I highly recommend this book as the primary textbook for groundwater geochemistry classes and as at least a supplemental text for general environmental geochemistry courses...' Sabine Goldberg, USDA-ARS in Vadose Zone Journal, published on line 8 March 2006.  '..A realistically priced title for students and graduates wanting to extend their knowledge of groundwater chemistry and soil-water-chemistry. There are practical examples and models illustrated to ensure a better understanding of the application of theory to real life situations...' Australian Water Association Journal     Reseña del editor Building on the success of its 1993 predecessor, this second edition of Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution has been thoroughly re-written, updated and extended to provide a complete and authoritative account of modern hydrogeochemistry. Offering a quantitative approach to the study of groundwater quality and the interaction of water, minerals, gases, pollutants and microbes, this book shows how physical and chemical theory can be applied to explain observed water qualities and variations over space and time. Integral to the presentation, geochemical modelling using PHREEQC code is demonstrated, with step-by-step instructions for calculating and simulating field and laboratory data. Numerous figures and tables illustrate the theory, while worked examples including calculations and theoretical explanations assist the reader in gaining a deeper understanding of the concepts involved. A crucial read for students of hydrogeology, geochemistry and civil engineering, professionals in the water sciences will also find inspiration in the practical examples and modeling templates. Biografía del autor Dr Tony Appelo is a consultant based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Dr Dieke Postma teaches at the Danish Technical University in Lyngby, Denmark.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution, Second Edition
  • Autor: C.A.J. Appelo,Dieke Postma
  • Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Ciencias de la Tierra
  • Tamaño del archivo: 9 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Descargar Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution, Second Edition de C.A.J. Appelo,Dieke Postma libros ebooks

Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution, Second Edition ~ Building on the success of its 1993 predecessor, this second edition of Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution has been thoroughly re-written, updated and extended to provide a complete and authoritative account of modern hydrogeochemistry.. Offering a quantitative approach to the study of groundwater quality and the interaction of water, minerals, gases, pollutants and microbes, this book .

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Geochemistry, groundwater and pollution (Second Edition ~ Request PDF / On Jan 1, 2005, C.A.J. Appelo and others published Geochemistry, groundwater and pollution (Second Edition) / Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution / Taylor & Francis ~ Building on the success of its 1993 predecessor, this second edition of Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution has been thoroughly re-written, updated and extended to provide a complete and authoritative account of modern hydrogeochemistry.Offering a quantitative approach to the study of groundwater quality and the interaction of water, minerals,

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Download Geochemistry Groundwater And Pollution – PDF ~ Building on the success of its 1993 predecessor, this second edition of Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution has been thoroughly re-written, updated and extended to provide a complete and authoritative account of modern hydrogeochemistry.

Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution: Appelo, C.A.J ~ Building on the success of its 1993 predecessor, this second edition of Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution has been thoroughly re-written, updated and extended to provide a complete and authoritative account of modern hydrogeochemistry.. Offering a quantitative approach to the study of groundwater quality and the interaction of water, minerals, gases, pollutants and microbes, this book .

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Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution - 2nd Edition - C ~ Book Description. Building on the success of its 1993 predecessor, this second edition of Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution has been thoroughly re-written, updated and extended to provide a complete and authoritative account of modern hydrogeochemistry.. Offering a quantitative approach to the study of groundwater quality and the interaction of water, minerals, gases, pollutants and .

Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution (豆瓣) ~ Building on the success of its 1993 predecessor, this second edition of Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution has been thoroughly re-written, updated and extended to provide a complete and authoritative account of modern hydrogeochemistry.

Geochemistry, groundwater and pollution (Book, 2005 ~ Get this from a library! Geochemistry, groundwater and pollution. [C A J Appelo; Dieke Postma] -- "Building on the success of its 1993 predecessor, this 2[superscript nd] edition of Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution has been thoroughly re-written, updated and extended into a complete and .

GEOCHEMISTRY, GROUNDWATER AND POLLUTION, ~ GEOCHEMISTRY, GROUNDWATER AND POLLUTION, 2. ND . EDITION . C.A.J. APPELO . Hydrochemical Consultant, Amsterdam, the Netherlands . D.POSTMA . Institute 01Environment .

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